We've been celebrating Herstory all month. I’ve graciously accepted all the accolades that come with being a woman who has put something out into the world. Having carved out my own piece of herstory, it’s my responsibility to share this little gem. Please lean in for this...WRITING IS A WHOLE JOB. If you’re anything like me, you may have romanticized the satisfaction of releasing your stories to adoring audiences that will understand, support and commune with you. While I diligently work towards that moment, here’s what I’ve learned so far about authorprenuership.
Managing your time is very important. I learned a few tricks from my corporate experience, but mastery is definitely still a future goal. Being a writer requires you to balance the freedom needed by every creative to be inspired by the world around them with scheduling time daily to actually write. I’m still learning how to transition from daydreaming on my comfy sofa to the desk chair for at least an hour to document ideas. Some days are definitely better than others, but I feel like I’m building a muscle or two here.
Speaking of time, dedicating some to educate yourself helps to improve your craft. As someone who hasn’t been formerly trained in the dos and don’ts of any particular genre, I proactively seek out courses and the fellowship of other authors. I’m not sure what people did before Facebook groups but I’m glad I don’t’ have to find out. My love of reading all kinds of books gave me a little preparation for writing but to say I’m thankful for the mentorship of other indie authors and publishers who are willing to share is an understatement.
Social media platforms, when used appropriately, are an awesome way to engage and build credibility with your intended audience and peers. Providing insight into who you are and a platform for your news and updates with well thought out captions is tricky. Luckily there’s an app for that! Or so I’m told. These platforms are also free advertising. But you already knew that much.
Now the business of this whole writer gig doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Understanding how to budget for expenses and establish goals to measure success and earnings was actually the easy part for me. It was the realization that I’m a big part of the product that hit me hard. Marketing a book you’ve written and published requires a deep vulnerability and a bit of bravery. I’m constantly learning how and when to step out of my comfort zone to promote my book baby. So be patient with me.
I hope I have effectively oversimplified some key things to consider (see subtle bold text). I sincerely hope you are motivated to get your stories out into the world. Diverse perspectives are needed, and representation truly matters!